台北縣三峽鎮,以其位居大漢溪、三峽河與橫溪匯流之處,故名為「三角湧」,日治時期改為與日語諧音的「三峽」。三峽民權老街始創於十八世紀中葉;歷經數度戰亂改建,目前所見仿歐風牌樓面的街屋呈現了日治時期的原貌,是全台灣保存最長的老街之一。 2007年「三峽老街改造」榮獲全球建築金獎公共部門類亞軍,成為台灣重現傳統街區風華的典範。
Sanxia Township in Taipei County is located at the confluence of Dahan, Sanxia, and Heng Rivers and thus was initially named Sann-kak-íng (in Taiwanese, literally triangular surge). She then got her present name during the Japanese colonization. The Sanxia old street, one of the most historical old streets preserved in Taiwan, was first built in the mid-18th century and witnessed wars and reconstructions. The Baroque-style gable facades of the street buildings still keep their original looks in the Japanese occupation era. In 2007, the project of "Remodeling of Sanxia Old Street" won the FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Award and becomes a model for reappearing the spectacular scene of traditional streets in Taiwan.